untitled (after Rosemary’s Baby by R. Polanski) 18×13 cm, oil on canvas, 2024
Punkte (für Rodchenko & Stockhausen) #1 55x55cm, oil on canvas, 2024
Punkte (für Rodchenko & Stockhausen) #3 55×55 cm, oil on canvas, 2024
Punkte (für Rodchenko & Stockhausen) #3 55×55 cm, oil on canvas, 2024
Kubrick Meets Malevich 160×180 cm, oil on canvas, 2023
A Space Odyssey 2 elements 90x90x120 cm + /20cm, oil on canvas, 2023
Innocent pope (after Velazquez) 160X160 cm, oil on canvas, 2023
untitled (for Stanley Kubrick) 40×70 cm, oil on canvas, 2022
Never Mind The Pollock 31×63 cm, oil on cardboard and vinyl, 2023
Stravinsky 70×50 cm, oil on canvas, 2023 In a private collection
Ensslin 75×75 cm, oil on canvas, 2022 In a private collection
Churchill 40×30 cm, oil on canvas, 2022
Kinski 150×40 cm, oil on canvas, 2022 In a private collection
horror szoł (after Kubrick) 55×65 cm, oil on canvas, 2021
horror szoł (after Kubrick) 60×65 cm, oil on canvas, 2021
2001: A Space Odyssey 38×58 cm, oil and acrylic on cardboard, 2021
Mangia e lavora (after Weegee) 55×55 cm, oil on canvas, 2020-23
Morte a Venezia o Amore a Urbino 60×90 cm, oil on canvas, 2020 In a private collection
Unentartete Kunst 165×180 cm, oil on canvas, 2020
Communist Prime Minister Cyrankiewicz at the Jama Michalika cafe surprised by the welcome of „the roman salute” by the artist Jerzy Panek 60×60 cm, oil on canvas, 2019
untitled 65×65 cm, oil on canvas, 2019
News for Lulu (after Pabst) 85×100 cm, oil on canvas, 2020
Mann 60×50 cm, oil on canvas, 2020
Louise Brooks 70×55 cm, oil on canvas, 2019 In a private collection
A little white house 26×26 cm, oil on canvas, 2019
Barn is on fire 26×26 cm, oil on canvas, 2018
Die weiße Hölle vom Piz Palü 26×26 cm, oil on canvas, 2019 In a private collection
Die weiße Hölle vom Piz Palü 110×130 cm, oil on canvas, 2019 In a private collection
Some Girls 115×140 cm, oil on canvas, 2019
Possession (Adjani) 26×26 cm, oil on canvas, 2018 In a private collection
Narutowicz 51×40 cm, oil on canvas, 2018-19
untitled (Dawid Prowse) 26×26 cm, oil on canvas, 2018 In a private collection
Possession 40×30 cm, oil on canvas, 2018
Possession 50×40 cm, oil on canvas, 2018 In a private collection
Possession 60×40 cm, oil on canvas, 2018
Burning Barn 130×230 cm, oil on jute bags, 2019-2023
Webern 50×40 cm, oil on canvas, 2018 In a private collection
Shostakovich 90×60 cm, oil on canvas, 2018-24
This is not Groucho Marx’s cousin 75×55 cm, oil on canvas, 2017
untitled (after Riefenstahl) 26×26 cm, oil on canvas, 2018
untitled (after Riefenstahl) 20×25 cm, oil on canvas, 2017 In a private collection
Stravinsky from t-shirts painting series 60×60 cm, oil and silkscreen on canvas, 2017
untitled (after Riefenstahl) 20×25 cm, oil on canvas, 2017
untitled (after Riefenstahl) 140×120 cm, oil on canvas, 2017 In a private collection
untitled (after Riefenstahl) 140×120 cm, oil on canvas and ceramic plate, 2017
Owens (after Riefenstahl) 30×30 cm, oil on canvas, 2017 In a private collection
untitled (after Riefenstahl) 40×30 cm, oil on canvas, 2009-16
untitled (after P.C. Russell) 30×24 cm, oil on canvas, 2011-17 In a private collection
Munich – If You Want Blood You’ve Got It 90×120 cm, oil on canvas, 2005-17
untitled (after P.C. Russell) 20×20 cm, oil on canvas, 2011-17 In a private collection
untitled (after Riefenstahl) 90×120 cm, oil on canvas, 2009-16 In the collection of the MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow
untitled (after Riefenstahl) 130×110 cm, oil on canvas, 2017-24
Oppenheimer or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb 120×120 cm, oil on canvas, 2014-16
untitled (after Riefenstahl) 140×120 cm, oil on canvas, 2009-16 In a private collection
untitled (after Rodchenko) 120×90, oil on canvas, 2010-16 In a private collection
untitled (after Riefenstahl) 110×90 cm, oil on canvas, 2016
untitled (after Riefenstahl) 180×120 cm, oil on canvas, 2009-16
Karajan 85×50 cm, oil on canvas, 2016
untitled (after Riefenstahl) 150×100 cm, oil on canvas, 2008-16 In the collection of the MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow
untitled (after Riefenstahl) 110×90 cm, oil on canvas, 2016
untitled (Zeppelinfeld) 40×40 cm, oil on canvas, 2016-23
boygeorgemichaeljacksonpollock 176×176 cm, oil on canvas, 2013-16 In a private collection
Furtwängler 72×50 cm, oil on canvas, 2016 In a private collection
Lugosi 65×81 cm, oil on canvas, 2015-16
A Bigger Splash 110×90 cm, oil on canvas, 2016
A Bigger Splash 18×24 cm, oil on canvas, 2016
Varèse 100×80 cm, oil on canvas, 2016 In a private collection
untitled (after Eisenstein) 20×25 cm, oil on canvas, 2016
untitled (after M. Browne) 140×160 cm, oil on canvas 2016
untitled (Les Fleurs du Mal) 30×40 cm, oil on canvas, 2016 In a private collection
ceci n’est pas Malevich 100×100 cm, oil on canvas, 2016 In a private collection
If You Want Blood You’ve Got It (after Eisenstein) 73×92 cm, oil on canvas, 2014-17
GODard 120×120 cm, oil on canvas, 2012-16
Heidegger 22×35 cm, oil on canvas, 2016
The virgin who was sacrificed in Stravinsky’s „Le Sacre” comes back to earth and takes revenge 120×100 cm, oil on canvas, 2015
untitled (after Weegee) 140×120 cm, oil on canvas, 2015
Ensslin – Das kleine Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern 30×42 cm, oil on canvas, 2015 In a private collection
Strindberg 50×50 cm, oil on canvas, 2015 In a private collection
Riefenstahl (after Helnwein) 40×30 cm, oil on canvas, 2015
Grand Guignol 35×40 cm, oil on canvas 2015
Grand Guignol 85×70 cm, oil on canvas, 2015
Grand Guignol 85×70 cm, oil on canvas, 2015/23
still life 120×80 cm, oil on canvas, 2015
Wagner 120×80 cm, oil on canvas, 2014 In a private collection
Euren Helden? 55×40 cm, oil on canvas, 2014 In a private collection
The central organ of adoration of the composer’s inner self (for Witold Lutosławski) 150×150 cm, oil on canvas, 2013 In a private collection
This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen or Spiegelman Meets Disney and Borowski is there too 195×245 cm, oil on canvas, 2014