WITOLD STELMACHNIEWICZ evokes real historical figures and facts or cultural images, usually o dark, “demonic” motifs, which together form a sensitive memory of the characters and events of recent history and the present.
Born in 1970.
A graduate of the Faculty of Painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland in 1996.
(Diploma with honours).
Since 1996, a researcher and lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow, Poland.
From 2013 up to date a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts.
Since 2011 in charge of the Drawing Studio.
Since 2018 in charge of the Painting Studio.
Author of several individual exhibitions and participant of dozens of collective exhibitions in Poland and abroad.
His works can be found in the collection of the MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow, A.R.I.A.P. in Lille (France) and in private collections in Poland and abroad.
In 2019, he was awarded the Gloria Artis Bronze Medal for Merit to Culture.
He lives and works in Krakow.
Painting is the central area of his artistic activity.